Monday, October 29, 2007

The Moons Have Landed!

(Little Dinos in a nest)

The Moons have landed! Our good friends that we met while experiencing luxurious living at the University Student Apartments during medical school came to Indy from Chicago. It was so much fun to have Kelly and her kids Elijah, Ali and new baby Isaac, stay at our house. They were here for 2 days and 2 nights. We had a great time. The kids played fantastically, and so did Kelly and I! J James was on-call all Saturday and Sunday, so Kelly and I had the kids on our own. Her husband had to stay and do a scout camp thing. So, once the kids were in bed we had grown-up sleepovers, i.e. staying up way too late talking and laughing. During the day, we went to the Indianapolis Children’s Museum, the biggest Children’s museum in the nation. We had a great time. I’ll attach some pics of the adventure. As an added bonus, my friend Heather, and another friend Nicole, both from the fore-mentioned apartments, were going to be at the museum that day and invited me, so all 4 of us were there in Indiana at the same time. So random, since we all met in SLC, and although Nicole and I live in Indianapolis, Heather lives in Cincinnati and Kelly lives in Chicago. Isn’t life funny? I love it.

You know you have a true friend when you can not see someone for 3 years, and then pick up right where you left off, like no time has passed. I miss my friend. It was a wonderful visit, and I hope we get to do it again before we move back to SLC for Cardiology Fellowship.

(we're using a remote controlled robot)

(cute little Isaac)

(The kids in the undersea exhibit)

(Little heads over a big railing)

Temple Blessing

We had a wonderful trip to the Louisville Kentucky temple on Saturday. Twice a year, our church makes the exodus to Kentucky and we take all of the kids. Then we take turns watching kids in the church and going over to serve in the temple. (None of us can afford to leave the kids home with babysitters all day long, so this is a priceless opportunity to attend the temple). This year our incredible temple committee did it a little different, and all the wonderful couples in our ward without children came early and watched the children while the parents attended the temple, and then they went while we ate lunch and cleaned up the church. We were there and gone by 1pm. That is a record. What a service they provided!!!! It was wonderful. And the highlight of the trip, for me was before we even left.

It was about 6:45am, and pitch black outside. All my kids were bleary eyed, and I was trying to shove them all in their respective car seats, when Kiah had to use the restroom. So, I went back in and was getting a few more things for the car (you can never have enough driving treats for a 2 ½ hour trip), when I hear her say, from the bathroom, “Mom, you are a good mom. Most mom’s wouldn’t go that far to the temple without their husbands. You are being a good example to us kids about going to the temple.” Now, if you know Kiah, sincere compliments to me are not in her normal repertoire of things to say. As I sat there aghast and mildly struck dumb, I hear her getting into the car, telling the other kids, “Guys, mom is a good example about going to the temple to us. You need to tell her thanks.” Emotional overload! Especially since I spend most of my time wondering if it’s my example that has caused some of the yelling problems that she has. It was a good mom moment that I cherish. But, if I think long and hard, I’ll realize that if she’s paying that much attention to the positive example I set, I’m pretty sure she’s paying attention to the negative example I set, as well. I definitely have a new resolve to be a better person and make better choices, now that I have proof that someone’s watching!

We've been robbed!

Boy, it’s been a while since I’ve blogged! A lot can happen in life. This morning I went outside to take the kids to school and found all of our church junk (you all know “the church bag” full of paper, crayons, toys, snacks, etc.) strewn all over the frost-bitten lawn. Of course, Samara is the first one that gets the wrath of mommy, until I start realizing that everything in the car is torn apart, as well. Then I notice that the DVD player is missing! Ugh! We’ve been robbed! Yeah, I know, it could have been much worse, and the silly thing is that they left the GPS system and our camcorder that was in there from our temple trip on Saturday. So, ha ha on them because both of those things are worth more than our $100 DVD player. But we’re still a little bummed, since we just bought that on Friday night. So we officially only watched one movie on it. Farewell, new friend…

Friday, October 12, 2007

Went ridin'on the E-Train!!

Yeah!!! James and I went with a couple from our neighborhood to see Elliott Yamin. If any of you know me well, you know I'm a complete American Idol dork. Yes, I can admit to that. Anyway, I loved Elliott's voice from the very beginning. What is even cooler is that he is 90% deaf in his right ear, and still has perfect pitch. He also got Type I diabetes at 16, and is a major advocate for diabetes research and providing the needy with insulin. He sells T-shirts at his concert that go 100% to his charity/organization. I have been a true follower, going to the AI concert with my friend Heather the last few years, and before that, with my momma. I waited so very patiently for his first CD, and my family is subjected to it almost daily. So when we saw that he was coming here, to an awesome small venue, and for only $22, there was much joy and merriment on my part!!!

This concert was wonderful, and he was even better in person. I've always been envious of those with such fun, visible talents that can so easily be shared and uplift others. Music makes me happy, and Elliott's voice makes me VERY happy. Major brownie points to my honey for taking me. It was a fun date with a lot of snuggling and swaying to the music. It couldn't have been more fun (well, if I was even closer to the front, it probably could have been a teensy bit cooler), and there's no one else in the world I'd rather date and do fun things with than James. He rocks my world!!! Go, honey, it's your birthday....

Monday, October 01, 2007

Yippeee! Abey is Three!

You like my rhyme, Dana? Ha Ha.

So my baby is 3! I'm so happy for him, and so sad for me. I already miss him. It's like once they're 3 you can't call them the baby anymore. He's talking and certainly knows what he wants, and I have to deal with the fact he is a big boy now. But, what a fun boy he is! There was a time when I could have strung him out by his ears, but he's flown through that and is now such a little joy. I sometimes feel guilty that he's so much fun. Motherhood has always been rewarding, but hard. Now, when it's just him and I during the day, it's a party. We have a blast together.

Abraham is a comic. He loves to laugh and make people laugh. He also loves to tease. He has a big heart and will still snuggle occasionally (which I love!). He is great at saying he's sorry. He's mastered the skill, since his inquisitve mind keeps him in trouble a lot. But he loves being a brother and being part of the group. He has a great laugh, and gives some interesting prayers. Lately he starts his prayer by saying, "Dear Henly Mommy", and I have to correct him to say Father. It's a crack up.

He still loves to climb, and has become known for his "spider-man" abilities, but he is able to reason and understand more what's appropriate and what's not. That's not to say he always chooses the appropriate choice, but the first step is understanding it, right?? Anywhoooo...he's a wonderful, silly, adventurous, incredibly handsome little man who is a joy to be around. He loves cars and trains and dinosaurs and airplanes. He is one-fifth of my heart. We all love him so much and are happy he's our "baby".

Here is the cake! It's a tradition in our family that the kids make and decorate all the birthday cakes. Abe LOVES Cars, so they used his toys as decorations. Notice the spelling! Happ Brathday :)

Here they are after finishing honing their baker skillz.

Abe loved his birthday cards the kids made for him. He is great at showing gratitude.

The other birthday tradition we have in our family is you get the breakfast of your choice in your bed. Usually bacon, sausage, pancakes, etc. are the most popular choice. Abe opted for oatmeal with colored marshmallows in it and hot chocolate. Hey, to each his own, huh? He wouldn't wait in his bed, so we let him eat on the bed tray on the floor in the living room. Whoo Hoo!

Here are the kids at the party! Our closest friends, Sydney and Donovan Heyborne, and our great neighbor, David Zaha. Abe had so much fun with his friends and brother and sisters.

Kiah's Baptism

Yes, it's taken me 2 months to get my act together. I am mailing this thank you letter out personally, but wanted to post this thank you letter, as well, since most of you who read this also were a part of Kiah's baptism in some way. We love you all so much.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Dear Friends and Family,

I am so sorry that it’s taken this long to get a thank you letter to you. I kept waiting for Kiah to be able to finish them all herself (with my help), but her schedule has been so crazy because of tutoring and testing at school, and we have put it off for so long that now is the time to repent. I am writing a letter to all of you wonderful people who supported Kiah in her baptism.

The day was a very special day for her. She wore an incredible dress made with such care and love by her aunt Jeanie. She also wore white pearly earrings, necklace and bracelet from her Mike Hoffman cousins, and a gorgeous silver heart bracelet from the Lyle Hoffman cousins. Her grandma and grandpa were able to come and be a part of the day. Kiah was so lucky to have her grandmother talk to her about the Holy Ghost, and then give Kiah a literal comforter that is beautiful (and silky and sassy with Tinkerbelle on it!!) made with love. Grandpa performed the ordination of administering the gift of the Holy Ghost, and gave her a beautiful blessing. We had a good number of friends who attended to show their support for our little girl and we couldn’t have been more pleased. The Spirit was very strong there, and one of the highlights of the program was when Kiah and Samara sang the Baptism song together, both doing solos in front of everyone. They are so brave and have such beautiful voices.

We had a get together afterwards, and experienced even more kindness. The Harper family, and our favorite babysitters and dear family friends, the Creal/Madison family, made cookies and brownies and gave up some pretty important plans just to make sure they could be there for Kiah, and help us out with the treats. That meant so much to us. We also had most of our wonderful neighbors attend either the baptism, or the barbeque after, and their support for Kiah is priceless. Some of our neighbors don’t know much about our religion, but showed such support for Kiah, sending her cards and money, and love. That is incredible to me. We got a package from the Gordons, and we also got a package from the Bradley’s with a very special reminder of their love and support for Kiah…..her favorite cowboy boots she wore at their ranch while riding their horses! She was so excited about that. And Amity and her endless support of our family was right there, helping me every step of the way, cooking things, helping set up, bringing the Spirit to the baptism by offering a beautiful prayer, I can’t count the many ways that she serves me. The cards and well wishes from our friends from the ward meant so much to Kiah and really did help her feel special.

One of the most precious things that I wanted to share was how her baptism has affected her since that special day. She was struggling with some behavior issues, and was working hard to control them before her baptism. These feelings led her to wonder if she should get baptized, or if she should wait until she was able to act better. We encouraged her to pray about it and find out what Heavenly Father wanted. She did pray, very hard, to know what would be best for her. The next day she told us that she felt like God wanted her to go ahead with getting baptized and that He would help her keep her commitments after baptism. So, she did and how she has been blessed!!! She has since made so much progress in her personal growth, and is very humble and more willing to apologize, and has made some phenomenal choices, regarding school and friends, and her siblings. We can see, and more importantly, she can see the difference having the gift of the Holy Ghost with her has made. She has taken her commitments very seriously. We have all been blessed with a lot of peace. The Grace of God has been seen and felt in such a real way in our home, and we are so grateful for the promises and blessings that come from obedience to our Heavenly Father.

Thank you, again, for your unending support of our family. We benefit and learn so much from all of you.

With Love,

The Hoffman Family