Thursday, April 03, 2008

Aargh, Matey!

Well, it's been a while since I've been able to post, but I have finally updated my blog (thanks to Tracy and the website SJH Blog design). I just spent 2 hours trying to learn how to change backgrounds and such, so I'm too pooped to type a huge long post. Speaking of poop......

Yes, my Abraham has a poop story. Most of my friends have heard it, but a rare few have actually seen pictures. My little joy, Abe, had a "pooping in strange places and smearing it" problem. The incident I have in mind happened right before James and I were rushing to get out the door and catch a plane to Utah to finalize plans for our house in Farmington. We could smell something bad, but I looked high and low and couldn't find anything. My friend, Amity, was preparing to watch our kids while we were gone, and literally as we were getting to the door, Sydney, her daughter came up and said she found a poopy pirate. Huh? So, we went to the playroom, and sure enough, there was a small fisher price pirate covered in the stuff. The problem was...where was the rest of it?? No smears, no trace of evidence. Finally we spotted a large lump on the ....wait for it....poop deck of the ship. No kidding. My skinny-bottomed boy shimmied somehow in between the masts and pooped on the deck of his pirate ship. Seriously, if you can aim that good, why in the world wouldn't you be able to aim in to a toilet?????
I do have a happy ending to this story. Other than Abe and all of us singing the song "Abey is a little pip, he pooped on the pirate ship" for days on end, he learned a lesson. As of last Sunday, he is diaper free except for bed. YIPPEEEEEE!! I feel like we both should get an award. I really thought we wouldn't see this day, ever. He has all of a sudden become a big boy. My baby. I guess it's time for a new one, huh? He keeps begging for a baby, along with the other 3 partners in crime. I guess by Hoffman standards we're behind! :) bed is calling my name.


Nicole said...

Ok that is disgusting and oh so funny. I have heard poop stories from your family before, I guess actually seeing it makes it so real!! Congrats on the no more diapers, to both of you!!

Anonymous said...

Heh. That made me LOL! I was researching about blog design and I totally wasn't expecting a poop story.

Congratulations to you and your boy! I'm not a parent yet but I must admit that, along with a lot of other things, toilet training scares me. Nearly all the stories I've read or heard say that it's really difficult.

Blog design however shouldn't be so hard. My Blog features point and click, drag and drop customization directly on the page. This makes it incredibly easy to change a background or header and get things looking just the way you like it. You might want to give it a look. Good day and blog on!

Peifer Family said...

Cute layout...your blog looks great! That is such a horrible and hillarious story...My hubby would have freaked out..he can't stand "poop"!

Brandon and Lindsay said...

Great picture! I am so glad there are other moms out there who appreciate a good poop story! Somehow, with kids, you just can't avoid it sometimes. I don't have any as good as a pirate ship, though.
I love your new blog page. I have never tried to mess with my backgrounds, because I am lucky to just make time to make an entry. Someday when I have some freetime I will have to go to that site and check it out. I am sure we are overdue for something cooler and more original!

The White House said...

Wow it's so good to be in touch again. Oh man that is quite the adventure. Good ending though no more diapers yeah!
Exciting that you are heading back this way, we will have to get together.

The Wyler Family said...

that is so funny! you have some incredible adventures, don't you!

Peifer Family said...

OK...enough with this poop story...I want some Hawaii Pics!

Carmen said...

Hey! Miss you tons!!