I guess I'll make this a productive post by putting up Abe's lastes pics from his B-day, and a few with his big bro, Eli in them. Serious, I don't think boys come any cuter than these two. These may look gorgeous, and they are, but I put blood, sweat, and tears into them! Abe was not cooperating, and kept jumping down off of the table, and throwing the cowboy hat, and crying for his blanket. Yeah, just your average trip to the picture studio.... Enjoy!
Abe, studying the knot and the texture of the rope.
And a cute one of his face, without hat, but with his Grandma Shauna's boots.
Then we did the Colts pics. Our whole family has become obsessed with the Colts (as has the whole city of Indianapolis), and we had to have this.
The pink, fuzzy, can't leave at home blanket. He wouldn't sit up, and when he grabbed his blanket, he started snuggling it. I practically yelled at the photographer to get this shot. Don't mess with mamma when there's scrapbooking to be done!
Abe was done, and Eli was giving him a hug, so we took advantage and posed them a bit for the picture. So sweet!
Love, LOVE the pictures! Those boys are adorable.
I did the same thing when I switched my template to get a cute Christmas one! It made me so mad I almost said a bad word! Our address is: feltspot.blogspot.com
I love the pictures of the boys!
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