Saturday, December 29, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Silly Sam

I was remembering back to our trip to Nauvoo, Ill. this summer. On the last day of our trip, we drove to Carthage Jail, where Joseph Smith was murdered. It's a solemn place, and the Spirit is very strong. Missionaries are there to give tours around the facility, and they show a movie about Joseph Smith. Well, our family went in and watched the movie, then when we came out of the show, there were missionaries, and other "churchy" looking people surrounding our little family. The sister missionary asked my kids what they liked about the movie. Kiah mentioned that she loved the part when Joseph gave a black member of the church his horse to sell, so he could get his sons freedom papers. Then the sister missionary asked Samara if she liked that part too. My lovely 6 year old says, "I was like, DAMN IT!, when I saw that part". The sister and I (and all who were in ear shot) were open-mouthed in shock. I quickly said, "Sammi, that's a swear word. What do you mean?" I was thinking she meant that it was really cool, or she didn't know what damn it meant, etc. So, she clarifies for us, "I was mad because I wanted him to give me his horse, instead. I like horses." Yeah, she used the word in context. Of course, the reflection on me, as a parent, is pitiful at that point. She must hear that often to talk that kind of trash was most likely the consensus opinion in that room. I was mortified. Skip to the actual tour of the building where he was martyred...... The missionaries were talking about prayer, and asked if we pray. Sam pipes in, "We sometimes pray, when mom's not too tired or we aren't in a hurry." Thanks, turkey! Now, I pray, numerous times daily with my children, and every once in a while, at bedtime, when there's major fits going on, I opt out. But it's rare. But to this sister, I've now become in-active member number one. Ugh! Gotta love that girl!
Anyway, I could fill up pages and pages of random Samara stories, but my fingers are getting tired. So, I'm going to go cuddle up with my kids (we're snowed in today), and watch the polar express, while my honey takes a nap upstairs. It doesn't get any better than this.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Dad's little secret
Some random funniness....Samara woke up this morning, and came into my bathroom with this dead serious face, and asked me, "Is dad's beard different?" I said no, then she asked, "Did the bottom part turn white?". Once again, the answer was no. (James is only 32) The she turns around and walks out, and I hear her tell herself, "Phew, I thought he was turning into Santa." She must have had one too many doses of Tim Allen this season. The fact that she was so serious about it cracked me up. I wish I could still question reality like that!
Anyway, just wanted to update the new total. You all ROCK!!!!!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
I'm an Idiot!! (and cute boys)

Abe, studying the knot and the texture of the rope.

Then we did the Colts pics. Our whole family has become obsessed with the Colts (as has the whole city of Indianapolis), and we had to have this.

Friday, December 07, 2007
I'm Back!!!

So, once we got back to the barn, we had to go see Santa. Abe kept saying "Ho, ho, ho". But once he got in, we couldn't get him close to Santa. Finally Santa bribed him with a candy cane, that he took hesitantly, a full arms length away.

Cutie-patootie Sam got shy. She couldn't think of what to ask Santa for. I'm sure she's thought of many things since then!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
My Angel is the Devil!

Friday, November 16, 2007
In Memory of My Mommy
I've attached some pics of my mom with all of my babies except Abraham. She had her stroke and got very sick when Abe was born. Abe's birthmom thinks she might have a picture of them together, and I really hope she does. I'm so sad to think Abe might not have even one momento of him and my mother. She was always quick to come as soon as we got our babies. She'd park it in a chair and hold them for hours (while barking out orders to the rest of us, so she didn't have to get up out of said chair). Ha, Ha! Good memories.
This is my mom with Elijah when he was born.

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Celebrate National Adoption Month

November is National Adoption Month, and members of the First Presidency have thrust their support behind the government’s efforts to raise awareness of the need for more parents to adopt.
“We endorse this proclamation [of November as National Adoption Month] and express our support of unwed parents who place their children for adoption in stable homes with a mother and a father,” the First Presidency stated. “We also express our support of the married mothers and fathers who adopt these children.”
The First Presidency’s statement follows years and years of the tradition of celebrating adoption, both inside and outside the Church.
National Adoption Month, which began in 1976, was originally only celebrated for a week. It was initiated on a state level by the governor of Massachusetts. But, when President Gerald Ford caught wind of the idea, he implemented it as a national celebration that same year. In 1990, it was changed from a week to a month-long celebration.
The goal of this month is to celebrate the family, raise awareness of the thousands of children waiting for adoption, and express gratitude to the many parents who have taken foster children into their homes.
“Families who adopt show the generous spirit of our Nation,” President George W. Bush stated in a proclamation announcing adoption month. “Every child desires a permanent home, and when parents adopt a child to love as their own, lives are changed forever.”
Within National Adoption Month, there is a specific, momentous day, National Adoption Day, which will be held this Saturday. On this day, special efforts are made by the courts, judges, attorneys, adoption professionals, and child welfare agencies in all 50 states to finalize adoptions for thousands of children.
The Church’s support derives from its stance on the sanctity of life, and it has done everything in its power to provide adoption services to solidify that belief. In 1919, the Church started LDS Family Services to do just that.
LDS Family Services offers help for both birth parents and adopting parents. It provides information about services, experiences of other birth parents, and agency commercials to offer courage and hope to those making the difficult decision of whether to place their child for adoption.
Regardless of who is promoting adoption, the Church is there to offer their support for the sanctity of life and the importance of the family.
“Children are entitled to the blessing of being reared in a stable family environment where father and mother honor marital vows,” the First Presidency stated. “Having a secure, nurturing, and consistent relationship with both a father and a mother is essential to a child’s well-being. When choosing adoption, unwed parents grant their children this most important blessing. Adoption is an unselfish, loving decision that blesses the child, birth parents, and adoptive parents in this life and throughout the eternities. We commend all those who strengthen children and families by promoting adoption.”
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Goldilocks lost her locks!
Before (without straightening or anything)
I did it! I chopped off my hair that I've been growing out for 3 years. Wow! It feels great. We have a neighbor that we love who is going through the turmoil of breast cancer treatments right now, and she got me thinking of how I could help besides bringing flowers or offering to cook. I thought this might be a nice way to honor her and show my support to breast cancer patients. Oprah Winfrey did a big show about hair, and the group that she worked with that makes wigs for cancer patients is called Pantene Beautiful Lengths. So, that's who I'm sending my hair to. I admit I was a little nervous about cutting, but having a good cause behind it made the cut easier. I have documented my adventure for you to see.
*Note to all: I had not done my make-up, and my hair was just air-dried from the shower, since it had to be au-natual to donate, which meant no products or styling. I don't normally look like a hippy!
Monday, November 12, 2007
The Lover, The Dreamers.....
The other day I was doing the dishes and peaked out the window and saw him, Samara, Kiah and Elijah laying on the tramp with blankets, looking at the sky, picking out different cloud shapes. Now, he's in the middle of residency, with a to-do list longer than the Great Wall of China, and he was out there finding hippos on motorcycles in the sky. That is why I love him.
Grandma Whitear's Halloween Fun
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Christmas in Alabama Part 2
It's so fun to hear this! Because we have been feeling the same way. We were supposed to go to Pennsylvania, but once we got this idea in our head, there was such an exciting feeling associated with the journey. I really believe that this is God's plan for our family and for theirs this Christmas.
Anywhooo, thanks for your support. This will be the best surprise ever!
Christmas in Alabama

Dear Friends and Family-
Christmas will soon be upon us, and as every year, the Spirit of Christ’s love and light touches our hearts even deeper to help those in need. Our family has felt impressed to take on a fun project, and James and I would like to ask that as you are considering what charities, or families, etc. to choose as your family project, that you might consider helping the Killings Family.
This is the birth family of Samara (our 2nd daughter). There are 8 children, and they have all been placed with their single grandmother. Their mother has been responsible for neglect, abuse, drug use, abandonment, and many other saddening things in these children’s lives. The kids have been placed with their father’s mother. They have really been struggling, as has the grandmother, Delores Looney. This woman has such a strong sense of family and has never even questioned taking all of the children, because it would be unthinkable to her to split them up. She is in her 60’s and she works very long hours to try to make ends meet for these kids, and she does it all on her own, and in her small home. She is single, and could really use a morale boost. She is a proud, amazing woman that we have had the privilege to come to know by phone and letters, and she has even reached out to Samara and sent her little packages and cards to make sure that Sammi knows that she cares for her. All of my kids call her Grandma Looney, and she is fantastic.
This is our last Christmas here in the Midwest, and as of yet, we have not had the opportunity to meet Samara’s birth siblings and family. We are hoping to gather some donations for the family and drive to see them over James Christmas vacation time. Grandma Looney has expressed many times her desire to see Samara, and we think this is our chance to make that happen.
If you would like to be involved in this project, just send me an email. We will keep in touch as the time gets closer, and give a full report of our Christmas trip after. The kids range from 17 down to 7 ½. There is also a new baby, from the birthfather that comes to stay with them occasionally. I think realistically, money donations would be ideal, as the grandmother would know their needs much better than we would. We would get to Alabama a few days before Christmas, and that would give us time to shop with Delores.
Don’t feel guilty if you have other projects this year, it’s just an idea we had that we got excited about, but knew that 8 kids was out of our league financially. Thanks, and Merry Christmas.
The Hoffman Family
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 29, 2007
The Moons Have Landed!
You know you have a true friend when you can not see someone for 3 years, and then pick up right where you left off, like no time has passed. I miss my friend. It was a wonderful visit, and I hope we get to do it again before we move back to SLC for Cardiology Fellowship.
(we're using a remote controlled robot)
(cute little Isaac)
(The kids in the undersea exhibit)
(Little heads over a big railing)