You like my rhyme, Dana? Ha Ha.

So my baby is 3! I'm so happy for him, and so sad for me. I already miss him. It's like once they're 3 you can't call them the baby anymore. He's talking and certainly knows what he wants, and I have to deal with the fact he is a big boy now. But, what a fun boy he is! There was a time when I could have strung him out by his ears, but he's flown through that and is now such a little joy. I sometimes feel guilty that he's so much fun. Motherhood has always been rewarding, but hard. Now, when it's just him and I during the day, it's a party. We have a blast together.
Abraham is a comic. He loves to laugh and make people laugh. He also loves to tease. He has a big heart and will still snuggle occasionally (which I love!). He is great at saying he's sorry. He's mastered the skill, since his inquisitve mind keeps him in trouble a lot. But he loves being a brother and being part of the group. He has a great laugh, and gives some interesting prayers. Lately he starts his prayer by saying, "Dear Henly Mommy", and I have to correct him to say Father. It's a crack up.
He still loves to climb, and has become known for his "spider-man" abilities, but he is able to reason and understand more what's appropriate and what's not. That's not to say he always chooses the appropriate choice, but the first step is understanding it, right?? Anywhoooo...he's a wonderful, silly, adventurous, incredibly handsome little man who is a joy to be around. He loves cars and trains and dinosaurs and airplanes. He is one-fifth of my heart. We all love him so much and are happy he's our "baby".
Here is the cake! It's a tradition in our family that the kids make and decorate all the birthday cakes. Abe LOVES Cars, so they used his toys as decorations. Notice the spelling! Happ Brathday :)

Here they are after finishing honing their baker skillz.

Abe loved his birthday cards the kids made for him. He is great at showing gratitude.

The other birthday tradition we have in our family is you get the breakfast of your choice in your bed. Usually bacon, sausage, pancakes, etc. are the most popular choice. Abe opted for oatmeal with colored marshmallows in it and hot chocolate. Hey, to each his own, huh? He wouldn't wait in his bed, so we let him eat on the bed tray on the floor in the living room. Whoo Hoo!

Here are the kids at the party! Our closest friends, Sydney and Donovan Heyborne, and our great neighbor, David Zaha. Abe had so much fun with his friends and brother and sisters.